Why should I become a member?

While most of our content is free and we encourage you to tell anyone and everyone about the fact that it is free, there are still certain things that require membership. What if want to prove that you have completed or mastered techniques.

Membership Bonuses

  • Memberships include Printed Certificates (proof that you’ve complete the require skills)
  • Organized Training Programs
  • If you can’t get a video to us, then let us find a local reputable Dojo that can watch you perform your required technique(s), and they can email/call us back with confirmation.
  • You will receive access to our Library Archive
  • Black Belt Testing
  • Most importantly; the only way to advance is to know the forms/katas, which are only available to members!

What if I want to take a Black Belt test?

  • All Black Belt tests must be performed in the in-person with Dr. Michael Fugate and Sensei Tony Connors.
  •  We will personally find a way to schedule you into this location or find a way to get out to you.
  • Please remember the black belt test takes at least a day, it is not just learning simple techniques, you must be able to apply them in real world scenarios.